Protection - Servicing - Testing

Your safety is our first priority...

Extinguisher Servicing

The different types of service together with a brief overview are given below. Apart from the monthly service, it is recommended that the services be undertaken by competent staff and in accordance with British Standards.

Monthly Visual Inspection
A number of checks must be performed by staff on a regular basis and these checks must not exceed a period of one month and may be more regular if needed.
Staff must ensure that the extinguisher:

  • is in the correct place
  • is free from obstructions
  • is clearly visible
  • the operating instructions are clear and visible
  • there is no obvious signs of damage
  • the gauge or indicator, if any, has the correct reading
  • the seals are intact.

 Annual Inspection
This must be undertaken by a competent person, one of our engineers, on an annual basis. If there any issues found, these must be addressed.

Extended Inspection
Again, carried out by a competent person, one of our engineers, an extended service involves undertaking a test discharge of the fire extinguisher, which checks the internal and externals. The fire extinguisher must then be recharged if deemed safe by the engineer.

Overhaul and Recharge
In the case of a CO2 fire extinguisher, an overhaul and recharge must be undertaken every 10 years.

Our engineers will ensure that the installation of fire extinguishers, fire alarms and emergency lighting is undertaken in accordance with current regulations. They will ensure that all the signage is placed in the correct location and the fire extinguisher is mounted to the wall or placed on a stand correctly in accordance with current specifications.

Our plan follows current regulations and to BS standards.

Extinguisher type

Water & foam



Basic service




Extended service

5 yearly

5 yearly

10 yearly